Try to get rid of all your cards as fast as possible before the computer does! Drag one card at a time from your hand at the bottom of the screen to one of the four discard piles in the middle of the screen. If the arrow under the deck is pointing UP, place a card that is one value higher on top. If the arrow is pointing DOWN, place a card that is one value lower on top. Going up, once you get to 13 the next match is 1. Going down from 1, the next match is 13. There are 3 special kinds of cards: Wild cards can be placed on any card and any card can be placed on top of them. Red cards with the circular arrow on them will reverse the direction of the deck. Lightning cards will score you a bonus if you place them on top of other lightning cards. If the computer gets stuck, click on the "flip card" to put new cards on the four discard piles. Have fun! Lightning Card is a great Puzzle game. You can play this game here at totally free. Lightning Card has been played 25601 times. It has received 211 yes and 64 no votes. It has a score of 76. If you liked playing this Cards game than you should try Spider Solitaire Blue and Solitaire 3. Have fun!
Instructions: Use your mouse to play this game.